Spring Sale: Buy 1, Get 2 FREE!
Get a FREE bag of our limited-edition Cream Soda Taffy with every order over $50.
Shop NowIt’s the most wonderful time of the year! Enjoy all your favorite holiday moments with our delicious Gingerbread Taffy. Perfectly chewy while being sweet and subtly spicy, this rich, smooth flavor is a delightful twist on a classic holiday treat. Take our taffy to your holiday party, stuff them in a stocking, or unwrap them next to a cozy fire–they’re irresistible no matter how you choose to enjoy them!
Spend $50 on your order and get a free sample bag. It’s the perfect way to savor this tasty, festive Flavor of the Month - for a limited time only!
Already tried it? Make your voice heard and leave a review below!
This flavor is fantastic and leaves that wonderful ginger tang on your tongue! Make this a permanent flavor
Please make this Flavor available Year Round for purchase!!!
I LOVED this gingerbread flavor, which I may not have tried without the sample y’all sent. I could taste and savor the ginger in it that tasted like fresh grated ginger. Wow! What a great flavor profile y’all have created! It seems like it is good for you, and the egg whites in the taffy add protein too! I’d love to purchase more, but I must finish the 15(!) pounds I’ve already got! Yikes! No one at home but me! I shared some(not the gingerbread) with my extended family, and they all liked it too! I particularly appreciate the payment plan you offered to allow me to break up the $85. price into 4 payments, so as not to break my budget before Christmas! Again, the protein from the egg whites makes it seem good for me, and my blood sugar numbers attest to it. Thank you so much for this tasty gift! ❤️Leslie